As children we were told to colour inside the lines. Don’t go outside or over the lines-it will be messy, distracting and in some cases, you failed the assignment.

This way of thinking, although teaches discipline and structure [which is required by society to a degree], it limits our instinctive pursuit for something better, different, abstract.

Imagine if Steve Jobs, Phil Knight, Ray Kroc, Jeff Bezos and many others alike stayed inside the lines, did what they were told to do and did what others had done. Well, the world would certainly be a very boring and different place.

So, what’s my point?

Well today in the world of foodservice I believe that now more than ever it is an absolute must to go beyond the lines, to push the boundaries, ask what if and why not? Both suppliers, owners/operators and supporting businesses such as Stir, must foster a new mindset to calm the chaos and bring engaging ideas to fruition.

As examples…

•  Early 2020/pre-covid, the on-line experience and third-party delivery companies were slowly evolving, yet today both are a mainstay and very critical to the lifeline of the industry.

• During my tenure with Kelsey’s and Montana’s in early 2000, both craft beer and plant-based foods were not even on the radar and now both are readily at retail and on most menus.

• In a minute, many of the traditional media formats have become obsolete, and now most of the customer/consumer communications and connections are digital.

Some may call this progress, but I perceive it as that child who dared to draw outside the lines. That the status quo was a definite no, and “To boldly go where no man has gone before”, is not just a classic line from a TV show, but an attitude, a mantra, and a means to make the impossible, possible.

So, I ask, what is the next big thing in foodservice? What can services, suppliers and operators do better and different, not only to survive, but thrive? I suggest we all open our proverbial colouring books and dare to draw outside the lines.

How do you draw different?

Scott Moore, President of Stir Creative Communication Inc., has been helping foodservice and hospitality suppliers and operators increase sales for over 30 years. For innovative and revenue-increasing programs, marketing and promotional campaigns and much more, contact Scott at 905-484-3094, scott@stircommunications.ca, or visit www.stircommunications.ca.